The Growl!--cont.
The Growl!
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Responses to The Growl!


I thought that installment #1 was fantastic and I can't wait to see the next one.
Also, as a wrestling "nobody", I am deeply honored and humbled to be on the same e-mail address list as Denny D' Andrea and Mike Attanasio.

Thanks again, I love your work...

D. Hall


I want you to know that I really enjoyed reading that article, and I can't wait for more. Have you considered sending it in to the sports pages? Do you write during the season? I would love to see your HS coverage
and articles, instead of some of our local reporters.

R. Richmond



I started coaching recreation wrestling in 1973. I helped start the first program in my hometown. I have seen many changes in the sport in the past couple of years.
The biggest change is the level of competition. There are many more wrestling educated young wrestlers today then even five years ago. I have to say this is due to club wrestling.
As a Coach, I support my wrestlers when they go to another program to learn in the off-season. It helps them grow their book of moves. I also require the wrestlers who want to compete with my program to attend my practice during the season. I feel if I am going to spend my time coaching, giving my undivided attention to the program then I expect my wrestlers to do the same.
If a wrestler doesn't listen to his team coach, why would the team coach put him on the mat?
I want my wrestlers to know what I know. I want the wrestlers to react to my coaching.
If not, I just might as well stop at any school program on a Wednesday night, walk into the gym, sit in the stands and watch a wrestler coached by someone else wrestle. A coach should coach. Not be a wrestling room monitor.
I feel that the club wrestler helps his team by being in the room during the wrestling season. He makes the team stronger, as he is the one who has made a bigger commitment to the sport. He might be the team leader; maybe he takes his teammates with him next summer to the club. But if they want to wrestle on the TEAM, they must practice with the TEAM.
I also think club wrestling has had a direct effect on high school power programs. The power has been shifted to the teams who have club wrestlers on them. No longer will a team be a state power unless they go the extra mile during the off-season and specialize in the sport.
Any "coach" who allows his wrestler to miss his practice because his wrestler is going to a club practice, and then allows this wrestler to compete for his team, I hurting the backbone of the sport. The team aspect.
This is just my view on this subject. I have lost many a good wrestler who either he or his parents didn't like my philosophy, God bless them.

Name withheld by request

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